DAILY SCHEDULE OF SERVICES:Location: 6632 Covey Road, Forestville, CA 95436 Church Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, 7 days a week Telephone: 707-887-7808 Visitors are welcome at any time during open hours and may sit in quiet meditation or prayer. Admission is free, but donations are requested for private readings. We also accept donations for church fans and special candle services.
SPECIAL CANDLE SERVICES:Spiritual candle services with prayers and the setting of lights are held daily -- and visitors may watch.You may schedule a candle service for yourself or a loved one, either in person or via long distance. Here's how:
About How Candle Services are conducted at Missionary Independent Spiritual Church • If you are ready to order a long distance candle service with a candle reading, please place your order here: Order Candle Services for Spiritual Aid with Petitions and Prayers• If you are an in-person or walk-in client of the occult shop next door, you can use our altars as a courtesy. If you have no safe way to set lights at your home, you may use the church's altars as a place to set the candles that that you purchased, fixed, and dressed there. This is also a great way to set memorial or yahrzeit candles or special request candles that will burn while you are travelling or not at home.
FREE ONLINE PRAYER SERVICES:We offer a free and confidential online prayer network in which we will pray for you and you may pray for others.• To join our online prayer chain and pray for yourself or a loved one via the internet, please see our page on The Crystal Silence League International Prayer Network
READINGS AND SPIRITUAL CONSULTATIONS:Readings and divination services are held in the church building by appointment only, either in person or by telephone.• To schedule and pre-pay for a divination or private mediumship with pastor catherine yronwode, please see our page on
BAPTISMS, BLESSINGS, AND LIFE CEREMONIES:Baptisms are conducted in a nearby river during the summer months, for those who can physically attend.• To schedule a baptism or other life ceremony, please contact pastor catherine yronwode through our Yahoo Group at
Our church is open to the public. You do not need to be a floor member of the church to visit us or to request a spiritual reading, consultation, or candle service. Readings, spiritual candle services, and prayer services are held on behalf of all interested parties -- including those in far away states and nations.
We also offer baptisms in the church to those who have a sincere interest. Because
the church is small and many of our congregants contact us through
the internet, at this time, all those with a sincere interest in
closer affiliation to the church are cordially invited to join our permanent Yahoo discussion group
Baptisms are conducted in a nearby river during the summer months, for those who can physically attend. |
Take California State Highway 101 to Santa Rosa, California.
From Santa Rosa, take Guerneville Road west to the end of the road at a 'T' intersection with Highway 116. Turn right (north) on Highway 116 and proceed to the town of Forestville. As you enter Forestville, the road makes a sweeping uphill left-hander, and at the crest of the hill you'll see Carr's Drive-in on the right. This is the junction of Covey Road and 116.
Turn right (north) on Covey Road and pass between two
churches (a large tan one on the left and a small white
one on the right).
Cross Center Street and continue for one-half block and on your left you'll see a post with the number 6632 in white lettering on green tiles, atop a larger black-and white sign that reads, "Drive Slowly. Watch for Animals." Enter the driveway, which is lined with rose bushes, apple trees, and fence posts on which there are nailed abalone shells. Drive to the top of the hill and park by the big old barn, where an old yellow and black sign says "Customer Parking. Unauthorized Cars Will Be Towed Away." Walk across on the sidewalk to the bright red church building, in front of the grey building (an occult shop). If you get lost: You may telephone for more detailed directions: 707-887-7808. |
If so, please click on the Paypal Secure Server logo to make a small donation to Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Candle Ministry for the creation and maintenance of this site, or to dedicate your offering to any of our Committees or fund-raising projects.

Missionary Independent Spiritual Church can be found on the world wide web at