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"World's Smallest Church"
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The Art of Hoodoo Candle Magic in Rootwork, Conjure and Spiritual Church Services By catherine yronwode and Mikhail Strabo Candle magic is one of the foundational practices within African American hoodoo folk-magic. Spell-casters of every level of experience within the community know the value and efficacy of setting lights, This book is actually three books in one filled with history, teachings, traditions, and instructions on how to become a candle magic practitioner, how to provide candle ministry services to clients, and how to conduct public candle-light services. This book is comprised of three portions, two of them previously published as separate books ("Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Candle Service Manual" by catherine yronwode (2010), and "How To Conduct a Candle Light Service" by Mikhail Strabo (1941). Author catherine yronwode is the proprietor of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company, a manufactory for traditional herb-based conjure supplies, and the pastor of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. She lives on an old farmstead in rural Northern California with her husband, a dog, cats, and chickens. Author Mikhail Strabo (Sydney J. R. Steiner, 1894-1971) was for many years the proprietor of Guidance House, a leading supplier to the spiritual, hoodoo, and conjure community. His books The Guiding Light to Power and Success, How to Conduct a Candle Light Service: A Guidebook for Ministers, and The Magic Formula for Successful Prayer remain popular inspirational classics in the field.
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The Black Folder Personal Communications on the Mastery of Hoodoo Edited by catherine yronwode A complete set of all of the flyers distributed through the Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Hoodoo HeritageFestival Workshops, PLUS copies of all of the Lucky Mojo Curio Company's instructional shop flyers from 1995 though 2013, conveniently collected into one oversize paperback book (8 1/2" x 11") printed to look like an old fashioned black report cover. Articles include: Astrology and Hoodoo, Black Walnut Spell, Bottle Spells, Bread Spells, Break Up Spells, Candle Burning Basics, Candle Divination, Candle Ministries, Container Spells, Cooking with Magical Herbs, Court Case Spells, Crystal Balls, Cut and Clear Spell, Doll Babies, Doll Babies for Cursing, Foot Washing, Gambling Spells, Grocery Store Magic, Hand-On Healing Techniques, High-Tech Hoodoo, Honey and Sugar Spells, How to Use Bath Crystals, How to Use Incense, How to Use Oils, How to Use Sachets, Labyrinths for Spell-Casting and Personal Transformation, Latin American Saint Packets, Love Spells, Mirror Boxes, Mojo Bags, Money Spells, Moon Phases, Novena of Santisima Muerte, Oil Lamps, Patron Saints, Perfumes and Incenses, Protection Spells, Reading the Bones, Skull Sorcery, Spirit Traps, Spiritual Cleansing, Tarot Card Design, Tea Leaf Reading, and more. Authors include: catherine yronwode, Miss Bri, Lara Rivera, Prof. Charles Porterfield, Dr. James Dotson, Tanisia Mooney, Sister Robin Conjure, Ms. Robin York, Kast Excelsior, ConjureMan Ali, Khi Armand, Michele Jackson, Elvyra Curcuruto-Love, Dr. Johannes Gardback, Deacon Millett, Lou Florez, Valentina Burton, Marin Graves, and Dr. E.
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Crystal Magic Divination, Healing, and Spellcraft with Gems and Minerals By Rev. Dr. Jon Saint Germain A practical introduction to the use of crystals and stones in the Four Branches of Crystallomancy:
• Divination or scrying with a crystal ball or gemstone Crystal Magic: Divination, Healing, and Spellcraft with Gems and Minerals teaches you the legendary inner meanings of a brilliant array of mystic minerals and provides you with the time-tested techniques and powerful spiritual spells that will help you to become an adept practitioner of Crystal Esoterica. Author Jon Saint Germain, "The Voice of the Crystal Silence League," is the host of the Crystal Silence League Hour on the LMC Radio Network.
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$9.00 BOO-GRI-CRYM |
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Hoodoo Spells of Uncrossing, Healing, and Protection By Khi Armand Do you feel stuck and unlucky? Have you been crossed up or jinxed? Experiencing chronic difficulty in life? IT'S TIME TO BE DELIVERED! Using tools and techniques from the Southern Conjure tradition, this practical, down-to-earth guide teaches you how to use uncrossing spells to take off rootwork, clean up old messes, heal emotional wounds, and protect yourself and your family. Learn how to remediate magical curses and self-sabotaging patterns of life as you harness your dreams to achieve spiritual healing and open your roads to success! No matter the circumstance, DELIVERANCE IS YOURS TODAY! Author Khi Armand is a hoodoo root doctor, spirit-initiated shamanic healer, and the proprietor of Conjure in the City. Specializing in spiritual cleansing, healing, protection, legal matters, and financial success, he resides in New York City with his loving partner and helping spirits.
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Hoodoo Bible Magic
Sacred Secrets of Scriptural Sorcery By Miss Michaele and Professor Charles Porterfield Practical, honest, and straightforward, this book teaches the history and unlocks the mystery of Christian Conjuration with the Holy Scriptures. Learn ancient traditional spells of Psalmic Magic from forgotten books of Jewish wisdom preserved by African American elders, open the Bible's treasure-house of Secret Charms and Sacred Amulets, and prepare yourself for revelations and wonders. The Bible is a magic book! THIS book tells you just how to use it! Miss Michaele is a spirit-guided and spirit-led reader and conjure worker, the proprietor of Hoodoo Foundry, and pastor of the Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel candle ministry. She divines with tarot cards and figured crystals, and is a skilled bibliomancer. She and her husband reside in Northern California. Professor Charles Porterfield is an Old Testament, old-school reader and root worker, and a proud member of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. A natural man, he specializes in men's issues and the Biblical aspects of hoodoo. Texas born and raised, he lives with his wife, children, and grandchildren.
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Hoodoo Food!
The Best of the Conjure Cook-Off By The Ladies Auxiliary of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church Learn how to serve up your spells in style! The preparation of magical food is a long-held secret family tradition, and these step-by-step recipes for edible conjurations will leave you spell-bound. Learn the magical cooking tricks of kitchen witches from around the world and make fabulous foods with hoodoostyle seasoned herbs and spices traditionally used in magic spells for love, money-drawing, and spiritual protection. Includes every taste-tested, prize-winning recipe from the Hoodoo Heritage Festival's Conjure Cook-Off and Rootwork Recipe Round-up!
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Hoodoo Shrines and Altars
Sacred Spaces in Conjure and Rootwork By Miss Phoenix LeFae Hoodoo Shrines and Altars is a book firmly rooted in tradition. It tells the history of African-American ancestor altars, candle altars, saint shrines, working altars, and altars hidden in plain sight, from the oldest forms to the most contemporary, and provides you with easy-to-follow instructions on how to build, furnish, pray and cast spells at your own altar. Miss Phoenix LeFae is a candle server at Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. She is a member of Hoodoo Psychics and the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, and is well-known for clearing crossed conditions and for her healing work.
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The Red Folder
Private Lessons on the Mastery of Hoodoo Edited by catherine yronwode A complete set of all of the flyers distributed through the Association of Independent Spiritual Churches Hoodoo Heritage Festival Workshops, PLUS copies of all of Lucky Mojo Curio Company's instructional shop flyers from 2014 though 2019, conveniently collected into one oversize paperback book (8 1/2" x 11") printed to look like an old fashioned red report cover. Articles include: Lithomancy: Casting Your First Stones, How to Make a Magical Scrying Ring, Crystal Gazing: Meditation for Clairvoyance, An Introduction to Bone Reading, Bone Reading: Interpreting Groups, Dem Dry Bones: Osteomantic Readings, How to Fold a Seed Packet, Ouija Revelations, The Basics of Dowsing, Four Ways to Read a Pendulum, The Potent Power of the Pendulum, Numerological Name Analysis, Diagnosis by Cartomancy, Tarot Card Tips: Choosing the Significator, An Introduction to Vulvamancy, Setting Up Your Magical Working Space, How to Make Magical Teas and Tisanes, Hoodoo Herb and Root Medicine, How to Store Herbs, Roots, and Curios, Wildcrafting Herbs Around the Home, How to Prepare Petition and Prayer Papers, How to Use Charms and Amulets, Sew Much Hoodoo: Textiles in Conjure, Making Magic with Tarot Cards, Old-Time Sachets, Baths, and Incenses, How to Make Your Own Sachet Powders, Dirts, Dusts, and Powders in Folk Magic, How to Load Soaps and Beauty Products, How to Use Figural Candles, Moving Candle Spells, Our Favourite Lodestone Spells, Spell Papers and Sigil Magic, Introduction to Angels and Archangels, Working with Patron Saints, Catholic Folk Magic, A Dominican Mesa Blanca, North Asian Serjim: A Shamanic Rite, Working with Asian Deities, Witchcraft and the Færy Tradition, New Thought and the Law of Attraction, How to Take a Spiritual Bath, Cleansing, Blessing, Protecting the Home, Help for Addictions and Bad Habits, Bible Spells for Helping and Healing, Deliverance and Protection from Attack, A Norse Trollknytte for Protection, Afro-Caribbean Protection Magic, Defending Yourself Against the Dark Arts, Jewish Spell Bowls for Protection, Love and Glamour Magic, Get What You Want in Love and Marriage, Spells for a Lover to Return or Reconcile, Gay and Lesbian Love Spells, How to Attract New Love, Ten Little Fingers Ten Little Toes, New Orleans Family and Love Spells, Money Magic, Our Favourite Money Spells, Nine Lucky Hands, Business Money Spells, Our Favourite Good Luck Spells, Money and Luck Spells with Playing Cards, Six Conjure Curses, Norse Spells of Destruction, Hot Foot Foods, Six Break-Up Spells, Our Favourite Court Case Spells, The Nine Stages of Court Case Work, Our Favourite Social Justice Spells, Overcoming Obstacles and Opposition, How Can We Remember?, Voices of Hyatt, and A Closing Circle for Social Networking Authors include: Ambrozine LeGare, Angela Marie Horner, Apollo Dark, Aura Laforest, Beverley Smith, Candelo Kimbisa, catherine yronwode, Chas Bogan, Clayton James, Co. Meadows, ConjureMan Ali, David Borji Shi, Deacon Millett, Devi Spring, Dr. Jeremy Weiss, Dr. Johannes Gardback, Elle DuVall,, Gabrielle Swain, Grey Townsend, Jaiye Dania, Jon Saint Germain, Kast Excelsior, Khi Armand, Ladies Auxiliary of MISC, Lady Muse, Lou Florez, Madame Nadia, Madame Pamita, Mama E., Marin Graves, Michele Jackson, Miss Aida, Miss Bri, Miss Elvyra Curcuruto-Love, Miss Michaele, Miss Phoenix LeFae, Ms. Melanie, Ms. Robin York, Papa Gee, Papa Lou, Papa Michæl Bautista, Papa Newt, Professor Charles Porterfield, Sister Girl, Storm Faerywolf, Susan Barnes, Susan Diamond, and Valentina Burton
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Secrets of the Crystal Silence League
Crystal Ball Gazing, The Master Key to Silent Influence By Claude Alexander Conlin Edited, Annotated, Restored, and Revised by catherine yronwode and Deacon Millett Dedicants of the Crystal Silence League send thoughts and prayers of joy, health, strength, love, success, and protection to all, and, in turn, receive the fruits of mutually supported prayer. If you are able, join our world wide band when your view of the Sun is morning-fresh and again as night-time falls. As the Earth speeds and spins around the Sun, so do the hours succeed one another around this busy globe. As one mind finishes the prayer, another takes it up, always moving Westward, steadily West- ward, a torch of Mind passed in a relay-race of Love and Purpose and Will. Catch the thoughts arising from your East each morning, send your thoughts to those abiding West each night. Now Is the Hour: Let us work for results NOW.
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$9.00 BOO-FLS-SCSL |
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