These pictures show the progress made by Roger Rupe, our carpenter, and Don Roach, our painter, as of Halloween, 2006.
Left: The Burgess Bus Stop at its original location on Laughlin Road. The door faces South and the window at right is the East window.
Right: The building relocated and rotated 180 degrees. The door now faces north, and what was the East window is now the West window. The door panels, casement windows, vents, and a few pieces of trim are still missing, but the vertical batten boards have been added and the first coat of new exterior paint is on. The interior, which was unlined except for wooden built-in benches, is being lined with beaded-board wainscot, cap moulding, and walls. Through the West window (at right) you can see a portion of the new South window, which has been cut into the formerly blank North wall, and will now feature a stained glass window.
Left: The Burgess Bus Stop at its original location on Laughlin Road. The East wall.
Right: The building relocated and rotated 180 degrees. The same wall is now the West wall. Notice also the vertical batten boards, which have been added to mask repairs to the damaged original plywood, and to add shadow-relief details to the otherwise unornamented lower walls.
Left: The Burgess Bus Stop at its original location on Laughlin Road. The North-East corner, showing the blank North wall and the total destruction of the North gable, which is laying in pieces on the ground.
Right: The building relocated and rotated 180 degrees. The South-East corner, showing the new South window in which stained glass will be installed. This picture is essentially a mirror-image view of the one at left, but is difficult to recognize as such due to the missing gable on the left, the result of a Eucalyptus tree being felled on the Bus Stop. At right the gable is restored, and the new South window breaks up the monotony of the formerly blank North wall.
Left: The Burgess Bus Stop at its original location on Laughlin Road. The South wall with door. You can see that the building, which was originally at road level, is now below grade, as the road has been repaved many times since the Bus Stop was built. At left is the stump of the giant double-trunked Eucalyptus tree which was toppled upon the building
Right: The building relocated and rotated 180 degrees. The East wall, at right, used to be the West wall; the South wall, at left, used to be the blank North Wall. This view was taken from the lawn and shows how the building is now well above grade.
Left: The Burgess Bus Stop at its original location on Laughlin Road. The building's below-grade condition caused a lot of rotting of the wood at the lower corners. At left is a portion of one of the two Eucalyptus trunks that destroyed the roof gables when the tree was cut down.
Right: The building relocated and rotated 180 degrees. The lower corners, now all above grade, have been repaired and reinforced with external plinth blocks.
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