

On June 22nd, 2008, the Church established a Calendar Committee, to be comprised of volunteers with internet searching skills, database management skills, and internet utility skills.On July 1st, 2008, Laura Kate Barrett volunteered and was appointed the head of the Calendar Committee for a period of one year.
The purpose of this committee is
(1) To investigate and acquire a flexible web-based calendar software program, and to promise to maintain it for at least one year, while also training helpers and possible replacements in this capacity.(2) To establish a sub-committee whose job it is to compile a "nomination list" of Fixed Date holidays, by date, including(A) Fixed Date Birthdates of important religious figures (e.g. Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc.)(C) Fixed Date Holidays of the Liturgical Calendars of various religions, sects, denominations, and cults, ad libitum, listed as volunteers locate sources for authoritative inclusion of dates, with reference to sites such at this one, on the pubic holidays of India and Asia:(B) Fixed Date National holidays that celebrate either demarked time (e.g. New Year's Eve) or the onset of peace and the ends of wars (e.g. Armistice Day).
(C) Fixed Date Birthdates of celebrated champions of peaceful social progress, social justice, and stewardship of the Earth (e.g. Rachel Carson, Harriet Tubman, etc.)
http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/2003/asian.htm(D) Fixed Date Catholic Saint Days with reference to sties such as this one:
http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/saints/bydate.asp?SODmonth=Jan(3) To establish a sub-committee whose job it is to compile a "nomination list" of Moveable Date holidays, by date, includingIn particular, we need quick one- or two-paragrph descriptions of each holiday, including, if possible, a how-to guide to the locational epicenter, festive food and drink, scriptural passages, colours, costumes, and dances associated with each holiday. If your culutre celebrates ANY special holidays, please start the ball roilling by posting here with the date and holiday name in the subject line so that Laura kate can pick them up and add them to her database.(A) Moveable Date Natural holidays based on astronomical timings (e.g. Winter Soltice, Full Moons, etc.)(B) Moveable Date Cultural and religious holidays based on astronomical timings (e.g. Pesach, Chinese New Year, Cherokee New Moon Festivals), such as:
(i) Moveable Date Hindu holidays, with reference to sites like these:
http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/2008/hindu.htm(ii) Moveable Date Native American Holidays, with reference to lunations and National Holiday, as wexplained at sites like these:
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/12460/the_cherokee_nation_and_national_holiday.html(iii) Moveable Date Jewish Holidays, with reference to sites like these:
http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/2008/jewish.htm(iv) Moveable Date Zoroastrian Holidays, with reference to sites like these:
http://festivals.iloveindia.com/gahambars/index.html(v) Moveable Date Muslim Holidays, with reference to sites like this:
http://www.godweb.org/IslamCalendar.htm(vi) Moveable Date Unitarian-Universalist / Deist holidays, with reference to sites like this:
http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/2008/uu.htm(vii) Moveable Date Holidays of many further religions and cultures, such as seen here:
http://www.rochester.edu/diversity/calendar.htmland present this list to the Calendar Committee for voting.
(C) "Observed Date" (i.e. moveable because weekend-oriented) National holidays based on birthdates or other national events
and present this list to the Calendar Committee for voting.
(4) To facilitate a simple voting procedure among the committee volunteers to select the final list of holidays.
(5) To utilize the calendar software to produce and upload a web-based calendar of the fixed-date holidays for use of the committeee next year and in subsequent years.
(6) To integrate the Fixed and the Moveable holdays for 2009 into one combined calendar for that year.
(7) To utilize the calendar software to produce and upload a web-based combined calendar to the Church web site for 2009.
The cost of this project is virtually nil, and it can be undertaken by an all-volunteer committee working via a web-based or email-based interface.
If you would like to join this committee, please call the Church at 707-887-7808 and ask for Sister cat or Rev. Mother Sienna.
If so, please click on the Paypal Secure Server logo to make a
small donation to Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
for the creation and maintenance of this site, or to dedicate
your offering to any of our Committees or fund-raising projects.

Missionary independent Spiritual Church can be found on the world wide web at