

Hello, Dear Church Fellows and Supporterss,
WHAT IT IS AND HOW YOU CAN CONTRIBUTEOur little wooden church, like many other country churches, has no air-conditioning, and on the hot days of summer, fans are a real necessity for the comfort of our floor members; that is, those who physically attend services.
We also know that many of our internet associates and weekend drop-in visitors would like to have a souvenir of "The World's Smallest Church," and so we have selected the sale of Church Fans as an appropriately iconic method of fund-raising. These souvenirs are offered for sale at our Gift Shop and online, making the Church Fan Fund our first self-sustaining and self-sufficient Church project.
The Church Fan Committee was established on June 22nd, 2008, and is very active. Its goals are to co-ordinate the efforts of volunteers in the graphic arts field for the annual production of vintage-style Anniversary Church Fans, to elicit donations from Church supporters to fund the creation of the first in our series of Church Fans, and to interface with Church Fan printers.
It was decided at the outset that each annual Church Fan design that we produce at Missionary Independent will be named and dated, thus enabling serious Fan fans (!) to collect the whole set. The combination of limited print runs, impeccable vintage styling, and dated collectibility will make our annual Anniversary Church Fans desirable to the public as well as affiliated supporters, and this will eventually enable the Church Fan Fund to contribute financial support to other aspects of Church business, including maintenance of our web site and telephone line; providing seed-money to other, less-well-endowed Church committees; and helping to underwrite the purchase of regularly needed Church supplies.
On June 23rd, Sindy Todo was elected to the post of Director of Fund-Raising, with the understanding that her duties may soon expand beyond the Church Fan Fund into other areas, as we develop the Church Gift Shop.
As an inducement to donate, Sindy and the committee decided that all donors to the Missionary Independent Church Fan Fund would receive a complimentary fan; for this reason, the total amount needed for the 2008 Fan Fund Drive would have to cover both our printing bill and the cost of shipping Church Fans to donors.
On June 23rd, 2008, we selected a lovely four-colour paper hand fan design in a traditional Christian Southern style, with a sweet painted illustration on the front, Bass wood handle, and a one-colour imprint advertising Missionary Independent Spiritual Church on the back. The name of this design is "The Guardian Angel."
You can preview our 2008 Anniversary Fan above.
On June 22nd we announced our first Fan Fund Drive.
The financial goal for the 2008 Church Fan Fund was finalized at $350.00, and thanks to the generous interest of many Fan Fund Donors, we made quick progress toward meeting and exceeding it. By July 2nd, 2008, we had paid the printer, enabling us to have hand fans in the Church by mid-July.
The money we raised in that short time covered the printing of 500 fans and the postage necessary to distribute complimentary fans to all Fan Fund Donors.
That's a grand total of $405.00 -- $45.00 over our target.
- Christopher Lung $50.00
- Julia Millette $50.00
- Lynne Tyson $50.00
- Alice Geever $40.00
- Laura Kate Barrett $25.00
- Joan Paulette Dudley $25.00
- Michele Jackson $25.00
- Lee Canipe $20.00
- Carol Ann Chapman $20.00
- "Anonymous Donor" $20.00
- "A. Friend" $20.00
- Susan Asselin $10.00
- Nannette Clanton $10.00
- Catherine Englehart $10.00
- Carol Janssen $10.00
- Edward Knapp $10.00
- Patricia Malloy $10.00
Thanks to all of our loyal and generous Fan Fund Donors!
The excess money contributed to the Church Fan Fund in 2008 was set aside to remain in the Fan Fund, under the watchful eyes of our Fiscal Guardian Sindy Todo, until next year, when production deadlines for the 2009 Anniversary Fan heave into view. By that time, we hope, sales of this year's fans to visitors and fan-collectors will make next year's Fandango a simple matter of staying up all night photoshopping, sending pdfs to the printer, Sindy issuing a payment to the printer, and everyone rejoicing at the amazing results. Next year we also hope to introduce vintage-style die-cutting to our hand fan design.
It is my plan from now on to start earlier in the year, so that the annual issuance of Anniversary Church Fans will coincide with our regular May party -- that is, Consecration Day (May 12th), the Forestville hoodoo fest, the Bay Area conjure workshop, Founder's Day (June 6th), and other spiritual get-togethers of Spring and early Summer.
If you are moved to donate to the Church Fan Fund, you can send a love offering to our Paypal account via the Paypal Donate button on this page, which links to our bank account.
Be sure to attach a note indicating that your money is for the CHURCH FAN FUND so that your contribution will be noted as such and put aside the next time we print an Anniversary Fan -- and you will receive a complimentary Fan.
Remember -- all Fan Fund Donors receive a complimentary fan, so be sure to give us your name and street address when you donate, so we can send you your Church Fan. Of course, if you do not wish to have a fan, or wish to remain anonymous, that is perfectly all right.
Thanks again to all, and now i shall stop begging for bucks -- for a while :-) -- and return to photoshopping and typesetting some old conjure books that i am preparing for reprinting. The next time i come here asking for money, it will be for a far smaller amount, for the printing of Prayer Request Cards. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. :-)
With love and thanks to all of you, my dear friends,
I remain,
Your Humble Typesetter,
Pastor and Graphic Design Department,
Sister cat yronwode
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
If so, please click on the Paypal Secure Server logo to make a
small donation to Missionary Independent Spiritual Church
for the creation and maintenance of this site, or to dedicate
your offering to any of our Committees or fund-raising projects.

Missionary independent Spiritual Church can be found on the world wide web at