Newsletter Vol. 4 No. 2

Church air vent, adapted from an old green light traffic signal lens

Minutes for Board Meeting of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church July 4, 2009, 6632 Covey Road, Forestville, CA 95436 3pm to 4:30pm PT In attendance: Fred Burke, catherine yronwode, nagasiva yronwode 1) Board Member Replacement July 4, 2009 Board Member Replacement; in accord with his request, Dr. Kioni is being replaced on the Church Board. His replacement is Cynthia 'Sindy' Todo, who lives in Seattle, WA and who has already been working with the Board to get our financial documentation in order for the filing by Sept. 9. Sindy has an accounting background and is well- acquainted with the church, having repeatedly volunteered for church projects in the past and conducts her own spiritual practices in WA. As soon as possible we will be authorizing Sindy on the church's bank account and putting her fully in charge of the financial record-keeping. 2) May 2009 Workshop and Convocation Report The Workshop and Convocation coincided with the Lucky Mojo Open House and Party this year, and the classes were conducted outside the church at the Lucky Mojo shop tables during the whole of the weekend. This was less expensive than last year, and proceeded very smoothly. Food was potluck and the whole was both well-attended and an administrative success with as many or more participants than last year. 3) Church Baptisms and Ordinations, July 4, 2009 Baptisms and ordinations were conducted at the Russian River at Steel Head Beach in Forestville in the afternoon on a warm day. Recorded as baptized that day were the following: Baptisms * Robert Ian Philips * Fred Burke * Matthew Pavesic Ordinations: * Bishop Fred Burke * Deacon Ian Philips * Pastor Matthew Pavisec * Bishop nagasiva yronwode It is a doctrine of our church that baptism is unrestricted in that each person may be baptised as often or on as many occasions as he or she desires, provided that there are ordained persons present who have an interest in performing the service. 4) Candle Services Report Candle Services continue to be a major portion of our work here at the church. Our candle servers have done a wonderful job helping the public. There have been some changes during the past year in this department. Reverend Mother Sienna moved away to Oregon and had her baby just after having done so. Deaconess Chelsea also retired from candle service to have a baby. Sister Yelena then took on the work for a brief period, after which she enrolled in Humboldt State University to continue her schooling. We thank all three of these young women for their service to the church, and wish them well in their future endeavours. Deacon Ian Philips, recently baptized and ordained, has taken over the performance of candle services for the foreseeable future, and we are very grateful for his dedication and devotion to the concept of candle ministry and service. 5) Church Fan Fund Report The 3rd Annual Church Fan was designated on 7/4/09 and will be available in September as a thank you gift for donations, as a benefit of having visited the church from afar, and for purchase from the church gift shop. 6) Gospel Scripture Committee Similar to the Gospel Playlist Committee, the Gospel Scripture Committee seeks to acquire a broad and diverse compilation of gospels from both scriptural and literary sources in order to establish a body of of material reflective of the virtues of Jesus. The Gospel Scripture Committee is looking into the effort it would take to host these scriptures online at the church website and will be developing an online publication program to present to the board within the next few months. 7) Amazon Book Sale Project (Affiliates Program) Report The Amazon Book Sale Project has made a total of $14.99 with 17 clicks, 2 items ordered, and 1 item shipped. We are not putting additional energy into developing this method of fundraising at this time as it is not worth the effort. 8) AIRR Committee Report (Formerly "UISP Committee") See the document "AIRR Committee of MISC," which describes the procedures and rules by which the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR, formerly known as 'UISP') shall conduct its public outreach services through the worldwide web at readersandrootworkers.org and related roll-over domains. The AIRR website has been online since June 6, 2009. Its spiritual outreach facilities are being browsed at the rate of about 250 vistors per day, each of whom spends an average of 3.9 minutes at the site. We are pleased with the rapid spread of interest in this new site, which is focussed on describing the many methods that Spiritualists, trance mediums, psychic readers, palmists, tasseographers, astrologers, numerologists, card readers, prophets, dowsers, psychometrists, and other diviners use to help counsel their clients, and also describes in general terms what spiritual practitioners do for clients at their altars, in their candle ministries, and as prescribing herbalists and root doctors. All of the actual work of writing, photographing, editing, encoding, and site design for the nearly 100 pages at the site has been contributed by volunteers, working under the direction of catherine yronwode. Their names are listed on the Site Credits page at the site, and we extend our gratitude toward them. To fund the acquisition of the AIRR site's domain names, monthly web hosting, monthly maintainance of the mediawiki database by Lara Hopkins Rivera and Art Roberts, and the one-time creation of the AIRR site's logo and masthead by Shimmering Wolf Studios, fees have been paid to AIRR for listing in its online directory by 16 spiritual practitioners who perform this type of work and who support the aims of the church's educational program. They have each paid $100.00 for a yearly directory listing, for the year 2009. Four of the individuals who paid for listings were also Church Board members, namely catherine yronwode, nagasiva yronwode, Christos Kioni, and Fred Burke. Nagasiva has not activated his listing to the public as he does not perform readings or candle services for clients, and has no plans to do so, but he contributed his fee in solidarity with the aims of the working group that was organizing the site. Sindy Todo, who has been today approved to join the Board to replace Christos, is also a spiritual practitioner who is listed in the AIRR directory, which means that at the present time, three board members (of five) are listed at the site and four (of five) have paid the yearly listng fee. See the June 6, 2009 Church Newsletter for the names of all indivuals who to date have paid a yearly fee to be listed in the AIRR online directory of ethical spiritual readers and rootworkers. 9) Church Financial Report Current monies as received from visitor donations, online donations, AIRR directory dues, table fees for the use of the church building for readings and consultations, and sales of books, fans, etc., comes to $2200.00, secured in the church bank account and the church Paypal account. Expenses on the horizon include the monthly phone bill and payment to Art Roberts for work on the AIRR website. No board members have received compensation during this time period. Catherine yronwode is the only board member who is making use of the church building, and, as always, she pays a 15% table fee to the church for every reading for which she is paid by a client. Services which she conducts at the church pro bono do not result in table fees to the church. As before, the cost of renting the building has been waived for the year to come by the property owners, catherine and nagasiva yronwode. 10) Joshua Tree Sanctuary Plans Bishop Burke reported to the Board that he has undertaken preliminary steps to develop a meeting place for his small congregation in Joshua Tree, California. The name of his church is Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary. At the present time, services are conducted in his home, with an outreach program conducted through the worldwide web. To meet the needs of his growing congregation, a physical church site near Highway 62 has been chosen and construction plans are being developed. He has secured the appropriate internet domain, FourAltars.com. Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary is part of the Missionary Independent Spiritual Church fellowship, and will be our first 'expansion church', abiding by the MISC Creed and Bylaws. We wish Bishop Burke and Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary the greatest success in reaching out to the inhabitants of the High Desert. Minutes approved 7/13/09 END
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